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Caged Animals – Eat Their Own

Caged Animals’ album Eat Their Own is released in the UK today and the US tomorrow, it’s an incredibly beautiful record.  You can stream and order the album below.  Please note that the Vinyl LP comes with a download code to the entire album plus 5 bonus tracks not on the CD or Digitial releases, is a gatefold sleeve and our best ever Vinyl cut – it’s essential.



iTunes UK
iTunes US

Caged Animals – Rough Trade Instore

Caged Animals have added another show to their forthcoming tour, as they will play Rough Trade East at 1pm on Saturday 1st October.  Live  it’s a family affair and the Caged collective bring a different life to the animal. Mr Caged Animal, Vincent Cacchione, is joined by partner, Magali Charron, sister Talya on bass, Cole Smith (of Beach Fossils) on guitar and childhood companion Patrick Curry curating complementary beats.

On seeing them recently in NYC, The New Yorker described their set as “something like a hip-hop influenced Velvet Underground”. You need to come and see this band. 

Sept 27 – London, Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen (presented by Popular) Tickets

Sept 28 – London, Shacklewell Arms (presented by Rockfeedback) Tickets

Sept 30 – Manchester, The Castle (presented by Now Wave) Tickets

Oct    1  – London, Rough Trade East Details

Caged Animals – Teenagers In Heat

We are soooo excited to share with you Teenagers In Heat, the opening track from the forthcoming Caged Animals LP Eat Their Own”.

Please download here.

Teenagers In Heat

“I want to believe that you and me will always be Teenagers In Heat”

Caged Animals – Teflon Heart

If you’ve heard “Girls On Medication”, the shimmering debut UK single from Brooklyn’s Caged Animals, you might think you have them pegged as connoisseurs of perfectly tuned, gorgeously ethereal soundscapes. Their new single “Teflon Heart” however – the first to be taken from the forthcoming debut album “Eat Their Own” – is set to blow those preconceptions out of the water, taking, as it does, a sharp stylistic swerve into bold iconic pop territory.

From the first moment, with it’s swaggering dub-wise bassline, and hugely unlikely but most memorable rhymes, you know this is no ordinary love story ; “you brought me to the cinema, bought me a tarantula, put film in my camera and shot my heart.”

With classic hip hop snares, instantly infectious melodies, and a chorus full of yearning pathos, “Teflon Heart” embellishes an irresistibly ironic pop nous hinted at on Caged Animals’ previously released material, and points to a richly layered debut album (to be released later in the year) full of sonic surprises, and a beguiling emotional heft.

“Teflon Heart” will be available on September 19th, 2011, on gorgeous Pink vinyl (limited to just 500 copies). Cover artwork below and further details here. Pre-order 7″ Vinyl from Rough Trade (UK) or Insound (US)

Caged Animals and Friends – A Lucky Number Love In

We’re thrilled to present the most important double-headed UK debut of Brooklyn-based bands for as long as we can remember, as Friends and Caged Animals will be touching down in London on September 27th and Manchester on September 30th. You really do not want to miss these shows, trust us!

destined to be some of the most talked about shows of the autumn” (The Line Of Best Fit) [ read more ]