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Seventeen Evergreen – Polarity Song Video 2

We are still so incredibly thrilled about the video for “Polarity Song” by Seventeen Evergreen that we’re posting it again. Created by Terri Timely and Sarah Applebaum it has been viewed over 75K times in its first 5 days online and has been featured by Vimeo (staff pick), Gorilla versus Bear (premier), Stereogum, Boing Boing, Filter, Booooooom and even The Next Stitch (Yarn Bombing is a reality) amongst many others. If you haven’t already listened to this incredible tune and watched this special video then please see the below post and click play.

“an uplifting future-pop anthem that sounds like a mixture of first-album MGMT and Little Dragon” (The Guardian)

“Embrace the (crochet) polarity! Seventeen Evergreen’s ‘Polarity Song’ is brilliant loopy madness” (The Next Stitch)

“the song’s fantastic. It sounds like New Villager collaborating with pre-Oracular Spectacular MGMT” (YouAintNoPicasso)

“…it’s a kind of knit-one-purl-one horror show, all itchy woollen balaclavas and crocheted vests. It’s so good” (The Guardian)

Untitled 5




Seventeen Evergreen – Polarity Song Video

We are incredibly excited to present to you the video for “Polarity Song” by Seventeen Evergreen – directed by Terri Timely.  Probably the finest video we’ve ever been involved with. As premiered today on the world’s best music blog Gorilla vs Bear.

Friends – Single Release and UK Shows

After a busy week of introducing themselves and their music to new audiences at CMJ, Friends are delighted to announce their first UK shows of 2012 at Manchester’s Deaf Institute and London’s The Lexington.

In addition today, October 31, sees the release of their second single, “I’m His Girl,” on 7″ vinyl and digital download. Available here.

“Equal parts untouchable cool and indelible, hook-laden pop music” – Q

“A slick slice of indie pop with a great stuttering beat, an addictive bassline and confident vocals” – The Independent

“Pop songs pure and simple…Friends possess glowing potential in abundance” – NME

Monday, February 6, 2012Manchester, Deaf Institute (presented by Now Wave) Tickets

Tuesday, February 7, 2012London, The Lexington (presented by Live Nation) Tickets

Friends – I’m His Girl Video

We are delighted to present to you the video for “I’m His Girl” by Friends – co-directed by Aurora Halal and Friends’ lead singer Samantha Urbani.  As premiered on Gorilla vs Bear.

Lucky Number at CMJ 2011

Both Caged Animals and Friends will be representing in style this week at New York’s CMJ Festival. Shows and times are: [ read more ]