Seventeen Evergreen – Polarity Song Video 2
We are still so incredibly thrilled about the video for “Polarity Song” by Seventeen Evergreen that we’re posting it again. Created by Terri Timely and Sarah Applebaum it has been viewed over 75K times in its first 5 days online and has been featured by Vimeo (staff pick), Gorilla versus Bear (premier), Stereogum, Boing Boing, Filter, Booooooom and even The Next Stitch (Yarn Bombing is a reality) amongst many others. If you haven’t already listened to this incredible tune and watched this special video then please see the below post and click play.
“an uplifting future-pop anthem that sounds like a mixture of first-album MGMT and Little Dragon” (The Guardian)
“Embrace the (crochet) polarity! Seventeen Evergreen’s ‘Polarity Song’ is brilliant loopy madness” (The Next Stitch)
“the song’s fantastic. It sounds like New Villager collaborating with pre-Oracular Spectacular MGMT” (YouAintNoPicasso)
“…it’s a kind of knit-one-purl-one horror show, all itchy woollen balaclavas and crocheted vests. It’s so good” (The Guardian)